Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Struggle to Succeed

I think that anyone who is striving to be better can understand what I'm about to write. I am referring to those who are truly trying to become wealthier and move up in the class system, both financially and mentally.

There is a certain difficulty about moving yourself up in this world. You lose friends because they refuse to accept your new mentality/schedule. You lose contact with those that mean something to you in your life because of the focus on work and school. You lose compainions. This has been very hard for me to deal with. Over the past year, I have gained many friends and acquaintances. I have lost just as many It makes me almost regret making the decisions needed to progress over the past couple years. I know that it's for my future and for my life, but, at the same time, I also need social structure in order to function properly and I simply do not have that right now. I am trying to find it but struggle to find individuals who will not only understand the situation I am in, but also accept the many things that I still have to work on. Until then, I walk alone, with only a few individuals truly by my side along the way.

Perhaps that's what brings you success. I'd rather it be different...